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Unpacking 'The Best Argument for God' with Pat Flynn

In this episode of the Coffee with Philosophers podcast, Pat Flynn unpacks the core arguments of his book, 'The Best Argument for God'. Watch to grasp the essence of Pat's work as he articulates his endorsement of classical theism and its key role in offering a compelling case for theism over naturalism. Pat skillfully employs the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) and the method of inference to the best explanation to secure his argument. Explore the costs of denying the PSR and discover strategies for minimizing brute facts to align with it. Pat provides a thoughtful response to Graham Oppy's critique of reducing brute facts down to zero. He also explains how God serves as the best explanation for the world's coherence and stability. So, please grab a coffee and join us for a stimulating discussion!

5 Powerful Arguments for God

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