This video presents the ideas and experiences of those who have experienced racism in America. As I white male I do not pretend to understand what...
In this video (below), you'll discover how a debate between Albert Camus and Richard Taylor on the meaning of life might go. Camus embraces...
Psychological egoism is the theory that self-interest is the only motive from which anyone ever acts. This is a challenge to morality because...
Thomas Nagel argues against a moral skeptic that doesn't care about others. He argues that moral right and wrong is a matter of consistently...
What Is Cultural Relativism and Why Does It Matter?
You likely believe that certain acts are morally wrong no matter what culture a person lives...
In this post, you’ll learn how philosopher Steven M. Cahn argues that morality is independent of God. He argues that God’s existence is...
5 Powerful Arguments for God
Get a breakdown of the best arguments for God's existence! Download your free guide!